Read extensively: One of the best ways to improve your research paper skills is to read extensively in your field of research. This will help you understand the conventions of academic writing, the expectations for research papers in your field, and the latest developments and trends. Understand the research process: Familiarize yourself with the research process, including formulating research questions,…
Archive: January 2023
Is DOI compulsory to publish a research paper in a Journal?
DOI is not strictly required to publish a research paper, but it is highly recommended. Basically, the International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management (ISJEM) provides a FREE DOI for research papers that are published. Many publishers and journals require that papers submitted for publication have a DOI assigned to them. This is because a DOI provides…
In what ways does research paper give weight to career development?
Publishing a research paper can give weight to a researcher’s career development in several ways, such as: establishing oneself as an expert, advancing in academic career, building a reputation, opportunities for collaboration, impact on society, professional development, inspiration for future research, and contribution to the field. It demonstrates a researcher’s expertise, ability to conduct high-quality research, and contribution to…
How to develop a Research Paper from Scratch
Developing a research paper involves several steps including: choosing a topic, conducting background research, formulating a research question or hypothesis, designing the study, collecting data, analyzing data, writing the paper, revising and editing, formatting, submitting the paper and preparing for revisions. Additionally, it’s important to get feedback, stay updated with the latest research methodologies, tools, and technologies, collaborate with…
How Plagiarism report plays crucial role in Research Paper Publication?
Plagiarism is a major concern in the academic and research community, as it undermines the integrity of the research and calls into question the credibility of the researcher. A plagiarism report plays a crucial role in addressing this issue by identifying any instances of plagiarism in a research paper or other academic work. A plagiarism report is typically…