Energy Meter Monitoring By IOT
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- Create Date 18 May 2023
- Last Updated 18 May 2023
Energy Meter Monitoring By IOT
Nawaj Baig, Atharv Shinde, Rohit Patil, Rushikesh Divate, Shahid Jamadar, Mr. Sushant M. More
Dept. of EE
Rajarmbapu Institute of Technology
Sangli, India
Abstract- The effort of collecting electricity utility meter reading. Internet of Things (IoT) present an efficient and co-effective to transfer the information of energy consumer wirelessly as well as it provides to detect the usage of the electricity the main intention of this project is measure electricity consumption in home appliances and generate it's bill automatically using IoT. The energy grid needs to be implemented in a distributed topology that can dynamically absorb different energy sources. IoT can be utilized for various applications of the smart grid with distributed energy plant meter, energy generation and energy consumption meter smart meter, energy demand side management and various area of energy production.
Keywords –internet of things, smart grid energy meter.