Recent Advancements in Anomaly Detection for Manufacturing Systems
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Recent Advancements in Anomaly Detection for Manufacturing Systems
Tarun Parmar
(Independent Researcher)
Austin, TX
Abstract— Recent advancements in anomaly detection and root cause analysis have revolutionized manufacturing processes, enabling improved efficiency, quality control, and cost reduction. This review explores the latest developments in these fields, focusing on supervised and unsupervised anomaly detection methods, statistical techniques for root cause analysis, and predictive modeling approaches. Supervised anomaly detection methods, such as classification-based approaches, support vector machines, and decision trees, leverage labeled data to identify anomalies. Unsupervised techniques, including clustering-based methods (e.g., k-means and DBSCAN), density-based approaches (e.g., local outlier factor), and dimensionality reduction (e.g., PCA and autoencoders), detect anomalies without prior knowledge of anomalous instances. Statistical methods for root cause analysis, such as statistical process control, hypothesis testing, correlation analysis, and multivariate techniques (e.g., factor analysis), enable the identification of the underlying causes of manufacturing issues. Predictive modeling techniques, including time-series forecasting, machine learning for predictive maintenance, and optimization methods for process improvement, further enhance manufacturing efficiency. The integration of these techniques has led to significant improvements in quality control, equipment failure prediction, and supply chain optimization. However, challenges remain in handling complex, high-dimensional data and integrating domain knowledge with data-driven approaches. Future research directions include the development of explainable AI, edge computing, and federated learning for anomaly detection in manufacturing. This analysis offers a thorough examination of cutting-edge techniques for detecting anomalies and analyzing root causes, emphasizing their capacity to transform manufacturing operations and stimulate future advancements in these research areas.
Keywords—anomaly detection, manufacturing, supervised and unsupervised anomaly detection