International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management

An International Scholarly || Multidisciplinary || Open Access || Indexing in all major Database & Metadata
ISSN: 2583-6129

Impact Factor: 6.674

Team at HealthCare+

Maecenas vitae sem iaculis, porta dolor non, tempor augue. Fusce urna lectus, ultricies non elit eget, hendrerit tincidunt tellus. Cras nulla sem, auctor eget blandit sit amet, accumsan sit amet massa. Morbi mauris justo, rutrum eu interdum eu, posuere sed mauris. Suspendisse porta tortor eu enim tempor sollicitudin. Nulla tellus tellus, semper consectetur mauris ac, ultricies aliquet arcu. Nullam rhoncus libero semper mi venenatis id viverra.

Dr. Chelsea Brown, MD

Dr. Chelsea Brown, MD

Quisque et tellus tortor, ornare venenatis purus. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla ultricies sapien dignissim est elementum porttitor. Sed sapien risus, suscipit nec ultricies a, vestibulum eu sapien.

Dr. Sam Green, DMD

Dr. Sam Green, DMD

Quisque et tellus tortor, ornare venenatis purus. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla ultricies sapien dignissim est elementum porttitor. Sed sapien risus, suscipit nec ultricies a, vestibulum eu sapien.

Dr. Seth Jacobs, MD

Dr. Seth Jacobs, MD

Quisque et tellus tortor, ornare venenatis purus. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla ultricies sapien dignissim est elementum porttitor. Sed sapien risus, suscipit nec ultricies a, vestibulum eu sapien.

Dr. Peter Brighton, MD

Dr. Peter Brighton, MD

Quisque et tellus tortor, ornare venenatis purus. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla ultricies sapien dignissim est elementum porttitor. Sed sapien risus, suscipit nec ultricies a, vestibulum eu sapien.

Dr. Gina Hayes, MD

Dr. Gina Hayes, MD

Quisque et tellus tortor, ornare venenatis purus. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla ultricies sapien dignissim est elementum porttitor. Sed sapien risus, suscipit nec ultricies a, vestibulum eu sapien.

John McDowell, MD

Dr. Jown McDowell, MD

Quisque et tellus tortor, ornare venenatis purus. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla ultricies sapien dignissim est elementum porttitor. Sed sapien risus, suscipit nec ultricies a, vestibulum eu sapien.

Author's Blog

What is the difference between a Research Paper and a Review Paper?

A research paper and a review paper are both scholarly documents, but they serve different purposes and have different characteristics.research...
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Author's Blog

What is DOI?

A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique alphanumeric string that is used to identify and provide a persistent link...
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Author's Blog

What do you need to do during production of your Research Paper?

During the production of a research paper, the following steps need to be taken: conducting research, organizing and analyzing data,...
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Author's Blog

What are the advantages of publishing a research paper?

Publishing a research paper can have many advantages for researchers, including: Career advancement, professional recognition, opportunities for collaboration, increased visibility,...
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Author's Blog

Ways to Support your Academic Wellbeing which preparing the Research Paper/Article

To support your academic wellbeing while publishing a research paper, it's important to set realistic goals, manage your time effectively,...
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Author's Blog

How to improve your Research Paper writing Skills?

Read extensively: One of the best ways to improve your research paper skills is to read extensively in your field...
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Author's Blog

Is DOI compulsory to publish a research paper in a Journal?

DOI is not strictly required to publish a research paper, but it is highly recommended. Basically, the International Scientific Journal...
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Author's Blog

In what ways does research paper give weight to career development?

Publishing a research paper can give weight to a researcher's career development in several ways, such as: establishing oneself as...
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Author's Blog

How to develop a Research Paper from Scratch

Developing a research paper involves several steps including: choosing a topic, conducting background research, formulating a research question or hypothesis,...
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Author's Blog

How Plagiarism report plays crucial role in Research Paper Publication?

Plagiarism is a major concern in the academic and research community, as it undermines the integrity of the research and...
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