International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management

An International Scholarly || Multidisciplinary || Open Access || Indexing in all major Database & Metadata
The journal follows the UGC Guidelines and is evaluated for inclusion in the Web of Science
ISSN: 2583-6129

Impact Factor: 7.839

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Author's Blog

What is the difference between a Research Paper and a Review Paper?

A research paper and a review paper are both scholarly documents, but they serve different purposes and have different characteristics....
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Author's Blog

What is DOI?

A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique alphanumeric string that is used to identify and provide a persistent link...
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Author's Blog

What do you need to do during production of your Research Paper?

During the production of a research paper, the following steps need to be taken: conducting research, organizing and analyzing data,...
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Author's Blog

What are the advantages of publishing a research paper?

Publishing a research paper can have many advantages for researchers, including: Career advancement, professional recognition, opportunities for collaboration, increased visibility,...
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Author's Blog

Ways to Support your Academic Wellbeing which preparing the Research Paper/Article

To support your academic wellbeing while publishing a research paper, it's important to set realistic goals, manage your time effectively,...
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Author's Blog

How to improve your Research Paper writing Skills?

Read extensively: One of the best ways to improve your research paper skills is to read extensively in your field...
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Author's Blog

Is DOI compulsory to publish a research paper in a Journal?

DOI is not strictly required to publish a research paper, but it is highly recommended. Basically, the International Scientific Journal...
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Author's Blog

In what ways does research paper give weight to career development?

Publishing a research paper can give weight to a researcher's career development in several ways, such as: establishing oneself as...
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Author's Blog

How to develop a Research Paper from Scratch

Developing a research paper involves several steps including: choosing a topic, conducting background research, formulating a research question or hypothesis,...
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Author's Blog

How Plagiarism report plays crucial role in Research Paper Publication?

Plagiarism is a major concern in the academic and research community, as it undermines the integrity of the research and...
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