A Research Paper on Electric Scooter Battery Ejection System
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- Create Date 28 March 2023
- Last Updated 28 March 2023
A Research Paper on Electric Scooter Battery Ejection System
Stalin Britto, Abhishek Hande, Devesh Ratnakar, Mayur Dhanawade, Vishwas Pudale
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
IETES Bharat college of engineering Badlapur, Maharashtra India
Abstract – As we see growth in Electric Vehicles Industry we face a big challenge in Maintaining the safety of electric vehicles. As Specially the safety of the Lithium battery Used in it. In this paper we have tried as an idea to tackle this problem of fire catching in electric scooters by a Ejecting the battery by mannually pulling lever attached to front of the chassis of the electric scooter.
This paper focuses on reviewing the hazards Caused in an electric scooter by the lithium Ion battery which occurs due to various Reasons like overcharging the battery Mechanical damage, physical damage Overuse In this paper we have tried to design a system Attacthed to the chassis of the electric scooter by designing additional parts which will help to eject the battery from the electric scooter with the help of a lever attached to it.
Keywords Electric scooter, battery ejection ,mechanical lever.