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- Create Date 6 May 2024
- Last Updated 6 May 2024
Udham singh1, Raja somadder2, Rone3, Akhilesh Pati Tiwari4
1 Udham Singh Author FCEM College
2 Raja Somadder Author FCEM College
3Rone Assistant Professor FCEM College
4 Akhilesh Pati Tiwari Assistant Professor FCEM College
Abstract - Due to the fact that much of the world’s best solar resources are inversely correlated with population centers, significant motivation exists for developing the technology, which can deliver reliable and autonomous conversion of sunlight into electricity. Thermoelectric generators (TEG) are gaining incremental ground in this area due to its extensive use in solar thermal application as power generators, known as solar thermoelectric generators (STEG).
STEG systems are gaining significant interest in both, concentrated and non-concentrated systems and have been employed in hybrid configurations with the solar thermal and photovoltaic systems. In this dissertation, mainly studies of Hybrid Solar Thermoelectric Generators (HSTEG) configuration are presented. HSTEG systems are much less studied both experimentally and theoretically, despite their clear technoeconomic advantages. There is a scope for significant improvement in the performance (efficiency) and a need for detailed performance analysis to understand the fundamentals of the energy transfer process. HSTEG systems (conventional) reported till date, initially the solar energy is utilized by the TEG for generating electricity and then transferred to other low temperature thermal cycles (heating or cooling). As an alternative one can design an advanced HSTEG system, in such way to first utilize the solar energy in the heat transfer fluid (HTF), which can run high temperature thermal cycle for heating or cooling or power generation)
and then generate electricity by using TEG. Further, there is no advanced HSTEG system is available in the literature, which could deliver high temperature heat output from the hot side of the HSTEG system.
Key Words: optics, photonics, light, lasers, stencils, journals