Advances and Hurdles in Solar Energy in Rajasthan
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Advances and Hurdles in Solar Energy in Rajasthan
Prince Kumar1*,Jat Hareshwar2
1Post Graduate Student, 2Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sobhasaria Group of Institutions, Sikar, Rajasthan, India
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Abstract—Renewable energy is a sustainable and clean source of energy derived from nature. These technologies have long been recognized as an important part of the solution to address energy security concerns and ensure economic growth in an environment friendly manner. Deregulation has changed the traditional mission and mandates of power utilities in complex ways, and had large impacts on environmental, social, and political conditions for any particular country like India. The renewable energy based power generating systems can play a major role towards the fulfilment of energy requirements of restructured electricity market. In this paper, efforts have been made to summarize the availability, current status, environmental effects, promotion policies and future potentials & strategies of renewable energy options in India.
Keywords— renewable energy based power plants, renewable energy sources, renewable policy, renewable tariff.