An analysis of Property Right using the Public Private Law Divide
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- Create Date 22 April 2023
- Last Updated 22 April 2023
An analysis of Property Right using the Public Private Law Divide
In previous years, the ambit of “Intellectual Property Rights” has broadened & increased to a point that it now has a significant part into the growth of the world commerce. A number of wealthy nations have by themselves reinforced the legislative structures in this direction since the early 1990s. Many more were on the verge of doing the same. The successful conclusion of the international talks is also important. The “World Trade Organization's Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) IPR Protection and Enforcement” have been elevated to an extent of a worldwide commitment. The newly emerged world order pertaining to protection of intellectual property rights has advantages and disadvantages. Intellectual Property is a wide field. Its embodiment as “Copyright, Patent, Trademark, and Design” as “Intellectual Property Rights” is quite famous & has been recognized for a long time. Some of the new forms of protection are also coming together, fueled in part by new advances in technology and science related pursuits. This study session gives students a thorough understanding of the numerous types of intellectual property rights, their importance, and commercial implications in today's evolving global public and private laws. Aside from that, the students will be familiarized with the most important international intellectual property instruments and its relation with the public and private laws.