An Evaluation of Digital Marketing in Critique
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- Create Date 24 May 2024
- Last Updated 24 May 2024
An Evaluation of Digital Marketing in Critique
Author: Soumyajit Mahapatra¹, Dr. Pradeep K Asthana²
¹Student, MBA IV(2022-2024), Amity University Chhattisgarh
² Assistant Professor, Amity Business School, Amity University Chhattisgarh
Opinions on a few current and forthcoming marketing trends are discussed in this article. Recent literature and events in the business sector serve as the basis for the material. The study's foundation is secondary data. The research utilises published and online literary sources. Numerous papers, studies, reports, newspapers, magazines, webpages, and online data have all been examined. In India, there has been a significant shift towards digitization. More and more consumers are turning to the internet instead of traditional or conventional means while looking for the greatest offer from suppliers around India.
We found in this study that digital marketing services, including search engine optimisation (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation, e-commerce marketing, campaign marketing, and social media marketing, can be very beneficial to businesses. These services are also becoming more and more common as technology advances and include e-books, optical discs, games, and social media optimisation. It has been shown that Facebook and WhatsApp have connected us all, and that social media's growing popularity is giving digital marketers new ways to reach out to consumers online. Understanding why consumers produce content about a brand or shop is crucial because it gives us a better understanding of the factors that drive user behaviour.
Digital marketing is very economical and beneficial to the company's bottom line. This study supports the notion that understanding the social media platforms that a company's target market uses is another important component of successful online marketing. It is possible to analyse the efficacy of Internet marketing in relation to various businesses. The study may be expanded to examine internet marketing strategies tailored to different types of organisations.
Keywords: - Digital marketing, social media, internet, marketing trends, and digitization