International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management

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ISSN: 2583-6129

Impact Factor: 7.839

Automatic Power Factor Correction

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  • Create Date 4 May 2024
  • Last Updated 4 May 2024

 Automatic Power Factor Correction

1)Mr. Prashant Bhagat, 2)Prof. Tejal Y. Kharche, 3) Mr. Ganesh Adhao

                                4) Mr. Umakant Gawande, 5) Mr. Rudra Sangale, 6) Mr. Ajinkya Chavan

Department of Electrical Engineering, Padm. Dr. V. B. Kolte College of Engineering, Malkapur


Abstract- With the mining industry moving from traditional manual methods to the advanced mechanised mining, the focus is also shifting to the energy efficiency of the equipment and system being employed. Most of the equipment used in mining like shovel, drill, elevator, continues miner, conveyor, pumps etc. runs on electricity. Electric energy being the only form of energy which can be easily converted to any other form plays a vital role for the growth of any industry. The Power Factor gives an idea about the efficiency of the system to do useful work out of the supplied electric power. A low value of power factor leads to increase is electric losses and also draws penalty by the utility. Significant savings in utility power costs can be realized by keeping up an average monthly power factor close to unity. To improve the power factor to desired level, reactive power compensators are used in the substations. The most common used device is capacitor bank which are switched on and off manually based on the requirement. If automatic switching can be employed for the correction devices, not only it will improve the response time but also removes any scope for error. The work carried out is concerned with developing power factor correction equipment based on embedded system which can automatically monitor the power factor in the mining electrical system and take care of the switching process to maintain a desired level of power factor which fulfils the standard norms. The Automatic Power Factor Correction (APFC) device developed is based on embedded system having 89S52 microcontroller at its core. The voltage and current signal from the system is sampled and taken as input to measure the power factor and if it falls short of the specified value by utility, then the device automatically switch on the capacitor banks to compensate for the reactive power.

Keywords:- Automatic, Power factor, Single phase, Domestic, TRIAC, Capacitor Bank etc.


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