(Ms.P. Suganya1, P. Arulnithi2, V. Nithish3, T. Vikram4)
Dept.of Information Technology of (M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology), Tiruchirappalli, India.
Abstract- Implementing a mobile application to facilitate the electronic commerce and enhance the spending time efficiency of the customer then it is helpful for selling of products including different product from the different retailers from the nearest area. It will reduce time spent to purchasing the product, then it satisfies the user requirement and easy to purchase from the desired retailer. It encloses good user interface, easy to understand and use it by the customer and retailer, this application reduces the effort and time spent on the respective retail shops and different areas. This project is aimed to overcome the more computation time, more manual calculations and complexity involved in purchasing of products. It leads to the new advanced and modernized system achieved through this mobile application. The application's user-friendly interface, scalability, and cost-effectiveness make it an attractive option for businesses looking to expand their online presence and provide a seamless purchasing experience for their customers.
Keywords— Mobile application, Efficiency, desired products, different retailers & shops