Design and Development of Human Identification and Obstacle Detection System for blind using Deep learning
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- Create Date 6 May 2023
- Last Updated 6 May 2023
Design and Development of Human Identification and Obstacle Detection System for blind using Deep learning
Dineshkumar M, Jaisankar G, Mohanraj R, Sethuraman S, Mrs.S.Meenakshi (AP/CSE)
CSE & Selvam College of Technology
There are millions of visually impaired people in the world, either completely or partially, and they face numerous challenges in detecting obstacles and identifying persons around them. Not only has information technology evolved rapidly, but the spatial cognition theory for blind and visually impaired (BVI) people has also made great strides, which has opened up a new opportunity. As a result, this prototype develops the concept of supplying them with a simple and cost-effective solution via artificial vision. This project has proposed a novel framework by utilizing AI, which makes the framework more straightforward to use specifically for the individuals with visual impedances and to help the society. We developed an intelligent system for visually impaired people using a Deep learning (DL) algorithm.i.e. convolutional neural network (CNN).
Keywords: Blind, Visual, Intelligent. Visually impaired persons, CNN, deep learning.