Design and Fabrication of Battery Operated 2-Wheeler Forklift
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- Create Date 2 May 2023
- Last Updated 2 May 2023
Design and Fabrication of Battery Operated 2-Wheeler Forklift
Prof. A.N. Madne1, Abhishek Fating2, Dhananjay Bhowate3, Ketan Deshpande4, Samruddha Luthade5, Atharva Ghuse6
1Professor of Mech Engg., K.D.K. College of Engineering, Nagpur.
2,3,4,5,6Student, Dept. Of Mech Engg., K.D.K. College of Engineering, Nagpur.
This journal presents the design and fabrication of a Battery Operated 2-Wheeler Forklift. In this project we investigate a forklift design that is new and different from existing design. The new design offers two features: One the forklift attached to the frame body end and the other feature is that the new lifting mechanism by lead screw where it is easy to lift and more compact compare to the existing design. And also, we do analysis and calculation work on the model to make sure it is stable and safe under different working condition.