Development of gamified platform on Children’s Rights to increase legal literacy and awareness among children in India
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Development of gamified platform on Children’s Rights to increase legal literacy and awareness among children in India
Ms.N.G.Dharaniya1,Laksha.K2, Rithika.K.P3, Mawiyah.H4
1,2,3,4Information Technology , Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology
Abstract -Gamified stage committed to children's rights in India envelops three unmistakable diversions – a confuse diversion, test diversion, and memory amusement – nearby a comprehensive rights library giving nitty gritty portrayals of each right. Through these assorted gaming encounters, children not as it were lock in in engaging exercises but moreover develop their understanding of their rights as sketched out in the Joined together Countries Tradition on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The perplex diversion challenges players to illuminate complex scenarios related to children's rights, cultivating basic considering and problem-solving aptitudes. In the test diversion, children test their information through intuitively questions and answers, fortifying learning in an locks in organize. In the mean time, the memory amusement upgrades cognitive capacities as players coordinate rights-related pictures or concepts. Complementing these recreations, the rights library serves as a important asset, advertising open clarifications of each right, engaging children with information to distinguish and attest their privileges. This multifaceted approach not as it were advances education and mindfulness but too develops a more profound appreciation for children's rights, preparing youthful people with the devices to advocate for themselves and others in their communities, hence cultivating a culture of regard and strengthening.
Key Words: children ,awareness, multifaceted, cognitive, perplex, problem solving.