Development of Sleep Apnea Monitoring System in IoT Environment
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- Create Date 3 June 2024
- Last Updated 3 June 2024
Development of Sleep Apnea Monitoring System in IoT Environment
Shailesh Khaparkar1 Vaishali kori 2
1,2 Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and Sciences, Jabalpur, 482005
Sleep apnea, a disease in which a person stops breathing while they are awake for 10 seconds to a minute, is one of the most prevalent sleep disorders in the modern world. This occurs as a result of the throat muscles' obstruction of the upper airway. The gold standard for diagnosing sleep apnea has been polysomnography, which requires a patient to go to a sleep clinic and spend the entire night under the care of a sleep specialist. The body is equipped with a large number of sensors to record the readings. As a result, the procedure is costly, time-consuming, and invasive. Heart rate variability, SpO2, and other physiological parameters are included in the readings. The purpose of this study to develop IoT based monitoring system for automated screening of sleep apnea subjects using Spo2 and heart rate recorded by sensors, by staying at home. For deciding if a person has sleep apnea or not, this study used MAX30100 Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor, LM393 microphone sound sensor. The results of this study can be utilized to identify sleep apnea.
Keywords: Sleep Apnea, Obstructive Sleep Apnea,Sp02, Heart rate, IoT