Development of Smart Bin for Inventory Management in Small Scale Industries
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- Create Date 4 June 2023
- Last Updated 4 June 2023
Development of Smart Bin for Inventory Management in Small Scale Industries
Abirami S1, Nehashree Saravanan2, Nivetha SR3 , Pooja G4 , Priyadharshini H5, Dr.S.Ramani6
Department of Food Processing and Preservation Technology, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore - 641043
Abstract - Inventory management plays a crucial role to maintain essential products in business organization. Inventory control is one of the challenging tasks as it directly affects the production processes of a business organization. To overcome these challenges, novel and emerging technologies like IoT and sensors are adopted in inventory control system. These control systems are used to stabilize the entire process flow from raw material acquisition to finished goods dispatch. This has not only reduced the man power but also made the supervision of the entire flow of inventory and refilling the storage bins easier. This project gives an efficient way to make inventory management more efficient by implementing IoT to make smart bin that helps to monitor the quantity and quality aspects of a product by embedding sensors in the system. Smart bin has a capacity of 2.7 kg. A load cell is fixed on the base of bin to measure the weight of the commodity that will be placed inside the bin. A moisture sensor is fixed inside the base of the bin to detect moisture changes of the commodity. A DHT11 (Digital Humidity and Temperature sensor) is used for measuring the temperature and humidity conditions inside the bin.
Key Words: IoT, Sensors, Inventory management , Smart Bin, Technology, Microcontroller