Digital Media and Consumerism: An Empirical Study of Digital promotion and its impact in the Guwahati Region
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- Create Date 10 April 2024
- Last Updated 10 April 2024
Digital Media and Consumerism: An Empirical Study of
Digital promotion and its impact in the Guwahati Region
Dr. Aparajita Modak
Vice Principal (Asst. Professor)
Swami Dhananjay Das Kathia Baba Mission College, Agartala
(Affiliated Under Tripura University)
Digitalization is constantly changing the perception of the role of the state in society in regulating and controlling markets and product promotion strategies, especially in three digital markets: social networks, pop-up advertisements, and other websites. India is a growing market, and people’s orientation towards digital marketing and online shopping is now on the rise. The present digital media and consumerism have given a new approach to the potential consumer, as the present buyers are more concerned about the online sites and social media for their buying issues. A lot of new marketing strategies have been planned by the organizers and companies to attract online consumers. However, such a new kind of consumerism is very common in almost all parts of India. Considering these factors, the present study focused on the impact of digital media and consumerism in the city of northeastern India. The research has taken Guwahati region as a research area, and the researcher mainly attentive about the objective such as to understand consumer behaviour in the context of digital media. The researcher also focused on the companies planning their participation in digital promotion. The study is empirical in nature, and most of the data were primary in nature.
Keyword: Digital Media, Consumerism, Social media, Digital Promotion, Guwahati.