Drone Technology and it’s Application
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- Create Date 27 May 2024
- Last Updated 27 May 2024
Drone Technology and it’s Application
Yash Anil Patil
Department of Electrical Engineering
P.E.S’s Modern College of Engineering
Pune, India
Chetan Vijay patil
Department of electrical Engineering.
P.E.S’s Modern College of Engineering
Pune, India
Shital Rajendra Wani
Department of Electrical Engineering
P.E.S’s Modern College of Engineering
Pune, India
Ketan Kailas Lohar
Department of Electrical Engineering
P.E.S’s Modern College of Engineering
Pune, India
Prof. P. G. Pillewar
Department of Electrical Engineering
P.E.S’s Modern College of Engineering
Pune, India
Abstract--Drones were first used by the military, but now they're not just for the army – they're for regular folks too. People started using them in the 2000s, and they're not just for serious stuff like analyzing power system faults. Now, we call them drones, and they're like flying robots. You can use them for all kinds of fun things like taking cool pictures, exploring hard-to- reach places, and even joining drone competitions. They've become a big deal on social media and in business competitions. Lately, smart people are working on making tiny drones that can fly by themselves, especially in indoor spaces. The good news is that the parts that make drones work, like tiny computers, sensors, batteries, and ways for them to talk wirelessly, are getting smaller and cheaper. So, soon, we might see small drones everywhere, doing all sorts of stuff in our daily lives at prices we can all afford. But, as drones become more popular, there are some worries. Imagine if someone used a drone to spy on you in your private space – that's not cool! And when drones fly in busy places like cities and airports, there could be problems. That's why we need rules and checks to make sure things don't go wrong. So, while drones are super cool and fun, we also need to make sure everyone stays safe and feels secure.
Keywords--Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Drone, Drone Features, Technology, Drone usage fields.