Effect of Surface Roughness of Roller Burnishing Process on 20MNCR5 Steel
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- Create Date 5 March 2025
- Last Updated 5 March 2025
Effect of Surface Roughness of Roller Burnishing Process on 20MNCR5 Steel
Himanshu Khanna1, Harminder Singh2,
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, 143005, India
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, 143005, India
Abstract Burnishing process is used to smooth the surface of 20MnCr5 steel. The surface roughness of the steel is influenced by the burnishing parameters such as number of passes, feed, speed, and depth of penetration. The results show that the initial roughness is the most important factor affecting the surface finish. To reduce the roughness, it is necessary to optimize the process parameters. In this paper, the effect of burnished parameters on the surface finishing and wear resistance of the mechanical components is investigated. Results show that burnishing process parameters have a significant impact on surface finish, yield strength, fatigue resistance, wear resistance, surface hardness, tensile strength and corrosion resistance. The ANOVA table shows that the interaction between no. of passes and feed, feed and deep of penetration, condition is significant towards surface roughing. The percentage contribution pie chart indicates that the condition is contributing maximum up to 38%, speed is contributing up to 9 % whereas Depth of penetration and feed have least contribution in surface roughened steel.
Keywords surface roughness ,burnishing, steel