Enhancing School Security System Using RFID: A Comprehensive Approach
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- Create Date 25 March 2024
- Last Updated 25 March 2024
Enhancing School Security System Using RFID: A Comprehensive Approach
Johnson Sirleaf Brisbane
Department of Computer Science and Applications
Sharda University
Uttar Pradesh, India
Ensuring the safety of students and punctuality in educational institutions is of prime importance. This study introduces and evaluates a school security system that uses radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. The system uses RFID identification cards issued to students to track entry and exit from the school premises. By swiping the RFID card, the system fixes the time and location, which facilitates efficient tracking of student movements. Notifications are automatically sent to parents or guardians, improving communication and awareness. This will also alleviate the problems of students coming from home and skipping lectures to have fun during lectures hours. This paper discusses the methodology, implementation process and technology behind RFID, and provides an overview of the system's architecture and its integration into the school's existing infrastructure. This study also examines the impact of an RFID-based school security system on improving overall security measures based on privacy and ethical considerations. The results suggest a positive correlation between the adoption of this system and improved security protocols in educational institutions.
Keywords: RFID, School Security, Attendance Tracking, Student ID, SMS Notification, Campus Safety.