Experimental Study on Bendable Concrete
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- Create Date 7 June 2023
- Last Updated 7 June 2023
“Experimental Study on Bendable Concrete”
Mayur Bhadane1, Dhaval Gahiwad2, Rohit Badhan3, Roshan Shermale4
1 BE Civil Engineering, MVPS's KBT College of Engineering Nashik, India 2 BE Civil Engineering, MVPS's KBT College of Engineering Nashik, India 3 BE Civil Engineering, MVPS's KBT College of Engineering Nashik, India 4 BE Civil Engineering, MVPS's KBT College of Engineering Nashik, India
Abstract - The objective of the study was to investigate the properties of flexible concrete mix design, aiming to develop a durable and flexible alternative to conventional concrete. Engineered Cementitious Concrete (ECC) was introduced to enhance the strain capability and flexibility of the concrete. The experimental approach involved replacing coarse aggregate with fine aggregate by volume. The flexural strength and strain capability of ECC were determined through a four-point test, showing its ability to withstand tensile strains of approximately 2.5% to 3% without failure, unlike traditional concrete which immediately fractures at 0.1% strain. The results demonstrated significantly improved flexural and compressive strength in bendable concrete specimens compared to normal concrete. This enhancement is attributed to the increased strain capability and flexibility of ECC. Flexible concrete offers advantages such as better energy absorption, resistance to cracking, improved durability, and reduced risk of structural failures. The utilization of flexible concrete mix design has the potential to revolutionize the construction industry by providing resilient and sustainable solutions. The findings contribute to the growing research on ECC and its application in structural and infrastructure projects, supporting the development of more flexible and durable concrete structures.
Key Words:ECC, Bendable, Cement, fibres, Recron 3s.