Fabrication and Characterization of Functionally Graded Composite Materials with Egg Shell Powder and Char Coal Powder
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- Create Date 3 June 2024
- Last Updated 3 June 2024
Fabrication and Characterization of Functionally Graded Composite Materials with Egg Shell Powder and Char Coal Powder
- V. Siva Prasad Reddy 1, A. Sreekanth2, Dr. Y. Hariprasada Reddy3
123Department of Mechanical Engineering & Rayalaseema University College of Engineering
Abstract - Synthetic composite materials are prevalent in today's environment and frequently incorporate natural fibers. Exploring natural composite materials that can compete with synthetic ones is becoming more and more popular, though. Natural composite materials have exceptional mechanical qualities. This project uses eggshell and charcoal powder to create and characterize functionally graded composite materials. Finding out these materials' mechanical characteristics is the main goal. Eggshell and charcoal powders are carefully blended during the production process to produce a functionally graded composite specimen. To fully comprehend the behaviour of the composite, a series of tests is then carried out, including microscopic analysis, tensile and compression tests, and impact testing. To ensure a comprehensive investigation of their properties within the composite material, this experimental study carefully manipulates the ratios of eggshell to charcoal powder. Experiments are carried out precisely to reveal information about the composite's performance. This research not only advances the study of natural composite materials but also shows how uncommon materials like eggshells and charcoal powder may be used to create composites.
Key Words: composite, natural fibers, microscopic analysis, tensile test, compression test, impact test