Fabrication and Testing of Plastic Cleaning and Drying Machine for Eco-Bricks
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- Create Date 9 May 2023
- Last Updated 9 May 2023
Fabrication and Testing of Plastic Cleaning and Drying Machine for Eco-Bricks
Prof. S. G. Bawane1,Yash Mate 2,Archies Shambarkar 3, Bhushan Sakunde4,Mukesh Sonwane 5,Akshay Pillewan 6
1ProfessorMech Engg., K. D. K. College of Engineering, Nagpur
2,3,4,5,6Student, Dept. Of Mech Engg., K. D. K. College of Engineering, Nagpur
Abstract –This research presents the fabrication and performance test of eco-bricks making machine. In India huge amount of plastic are used for various purpose such as for making of water bottle, soda bottle and bags, etc. which are not disposable because of this various problem occur so we use plastic for making of bricks in various ways. After studying the problem, we developed the effective way to overcome the problem. Bottle brick are light in weight and withstand high amount of load or pressure. Eco-bricks, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle filled with mixed inorganic waste, have become a low-cost construction material and a valid recycling method to reduce waste disposal in regions where industrial recycling is not yet available. Becauseeco-bricks are filled with mixed recovered material, potential recycling of its constituents is difficult at the end of its life.
Key Words:Plastic Waste, Eco-Brick Machine, Plastic Bottle, PET Bottle, Bottle Bricks, Better Recycling Option