Foreign Exchange Rate Prediction based on Sentiment Index of Social Feed using Machine Learning
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- Create Date 2 May 2023
- Last Updated 2 May 2023
Foreign Exchange Rate Prediction based on Sentiment Index of Social Feed using Machine Learning.
Diksha Parekh1,Neha Kale2,Arfiya Shikalgar3,Yash Karande4,Sheetal Sapate5, Anil Shinde6
1,2,3,4 Dept. of Computer Technology, B.V.J.N.I.O.T, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
5 Lecturer; Dept. of Computer Technology, B.V.J.N.I.O.T, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
6HOD; Dept. of Computer Technology, B.V.J.N.I.O.T, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
ABSTRACT: The importance of predicting foreign currency exchange rate is evident in both academic and business sectors, despite financial time series data being known to be chaotic, noisy and dynamic. They are also important in trade worldwide and for international transactions. We investigate the relationship between Twitter content categorized as sentiments, such as Buy, Sell and Neutral. Our research show that it is possible to predict trend of exchange rates using machine learning and sentiment analysis, where Twitter data by itself could be used to predict trends.
KEYWORDS: Social media, FOREX, Machine learning, Twitter, Sentiment analysis