Grocery Trolley Using RFID – Bill Generation
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- Create Date 13 February 2023
- Last Updated 13 February 2023
Grocery Trolley Using RFID - Bill Generation
Kajal Ramani, Jaswinth Kaur
1,2 Student, Department of Computer Engineering, RMK & RMD College, TAMIL Nadu
Abstract -Spending mall may be a place wherever most of the people get their daily wants product like foodstuff, apparels, electrical uses and plenty of others. As per the general public demand terribly high quantity of looking complexes square measure increasing day by day. Thus, the amount of advancement of mall system and infrastructure additionally varies. we've seen long queues within the food market that takes most of the time. whereas looking customers face several issues like worrying that total of cash brought is short, incomplete data regarding of the things. aside from this they need to pick the simplest product out of thousands of product. Also, wish to revolutionize the complete looking mechanism within the superstore and attract range of shoppers cut back the labor price.
Key Words:RFID Card, RFID Reader, wireless local area network Controller, IOT, mechanical man Application