Hand Gesture Controlled Wheelchair with Obstacle Detection for Physically Disabled People
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- Create Date 16 May 2023
- Last Updated 16 May 2023
Hand Gesture Controlled Wheelchair with Obstacle Detection for Physically Disabled People
Aavesh Bagwan
Dept. of ENTC VPKBIET Baramati, Pune
Rutik Andhalkar
Dept. of ENTC VPKBIET Baramati, Pune
Dheeraj Shinde
Dept. of ENTC VPKBIET Baramati, Pune
Prathamesh Shinde
Dept. of ENTC VPKBIET Baramati, Pune
Assistant Prof. Rohit Piske
Dept. of ENTC VPKBIET Baramati, Pune
Abstract—This paper demonstrate that how can we design and implement the hand gesture controlled wheelchair for the physically challenged person who cannot move by himself. The main focus of this project is to detect the motion of the wrist of the hand and control the motors accordingly to move in desired direction along with some additional features such as, obstacle detection and emergency massaging system for the help of operator/patient if needed. Previously we needed some other person to move the wheelchair in desired direction but later, we developed the “joystick controlled wheelchair” which are good in its own ways but most of the times it becomes difficult for the physically challenged person to use it efficiently to overcome this situations we have developed this “gesture controlled wheelchair” and among all the available gestures we found that this hand gesture controlled wheelchair will be the best suited for the physically challenged person. For this demonstration of the project we have used ESP32, Accelerometer sensor, motors and motor driver, ultrasonic sensor for obstacle detection.
Index Terms—ESP32 board, Gesture controlled, accelerom- eter sensor, obstacle detection, ultrasonic sensor, ESP-NOW, Wheelchair navigation, Motor control.