Harvesting of earthquake energy
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- Create Date 1 May 2023
- Last Updated 1 May 2023
Harvesting of earthquake energy – A review
Apeksha S. A1, Mohammed Ismail2
1Student of Structural Engineering, Dayananda Sagar college of engineering
2Assistant Professor of civil engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of engineering
Abstract - This review's main goal is to familiarize readers with the various techniques for drawing energy from vibrations. Energy plays a significant role in our daily lives. Nothing in the world can be envisioned without energy. The entire world is currently working to reduce energy waste and investigate new methods of producing it. This review study discusses energy harvesting from vibrations using various vibrational sources. Seismic waves, vibrations from vehicle mountings, running people, low frequency vibrations, etc. are a few examples of several sources of vibrations. The primary focus of the study is on effective earthquake energy harvesting methods.
Key Words: Seismic waves, Energy harvesting, vibrations, Faraday’s law, Frequency of vibration, Electromagnetic.