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- Create Date 28 October 2024
- Last Updated 28 October 2024
Dr.B. LakshmanaRao
Prof & HOD, Dept of Prosthodontics, Lenora Institute of Dental Sciences, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Mail: kushulubathala@gmail.com
The most frequent long-term issues linked to dental implants are thought to be peri-implant illnesses, which include peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis. The ailment may be treated with either non-surgical or surgical methods, depending on the clinical circumstances. Peri-implantitis has been demonstrated to respond poorly to nonsurgical therapy. Given that medication release can persist up to two weeks, antibiotic treatments are not highly effective over the long run. Furthermore, it is challenging to combat the bacteria once the biofilm forms because of a protective effect that is extremely challenging to remove. Regenerative or restorative operations are the most effective ways to manage peri-implantitis. Implantoplasty is one such technique, which entails polishing the contaminated implant after the windings and rough surface are removed. Furthermore, bone recontouring may be required to facilitate access for oral hygiene measures in a post-operative anatomy. The purpose of this review is to go over the benefits and drawbacks of the latest technological advancements in implantoplasty treatment.
KEY WORDS: Peri-implantitis; Peri-implant mucositis; Implantoplasty; Non-Surgical Methods.