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- Create Date 22 April 2023
- Last Updated 22 April 2023
P.Sasireka1, Magesh kumar. N2, Sankaran. B 3, Rithiesh. C4
Assistant Professor1, UG Students2,3,4
Department of ECE, S.A. Engineering College, Thiruverkadu, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Abstract: Road accidents continues to be a major issue in India and it ranks first in the number of road accidents deaths across 199 countries. It is important to monitor the driver health condition before driving. We propose a model that can monitor the Driver health condition while driving. “Improvement Of Road Safety System” is designed to continuously track and monitor driver’s vital health parameters such as (BODY TEMPERATURE, HEART BEAT, ALCOHOL LEVEL). The proposed system can monitor the state or condition of the driver using Sensors with Arduino, TWILLO to send location as SMS in IOT using NODEMCU and WIFI. which is the major reason for road accidents and if any . This project explores the potential of technology to improve public health and safety. Health monitoring and road safety systems are two key areas that have received significant attention in recent years, and have shown great promise in improving the lives of individuals. The platform analyze the drivers with comprehensive health monitoring tools and advanced road safety systems that can help prevent accidents, improve health outcomes, and enhance overall well-being.
Keywords- IOT(Internet of things), TWILLO API, Arduino, NODEMCU(ESP8266).