IOT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System
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- Create Date 22 April 2023
- Last Updated 22 April 2023
IOT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System
Ravi Kumar, Chandigarh University Punjab, India
Sanjay Singla, Chandigarh University Punjab, India
Jhonsy Bansal, Chandigarh University Punjab, India
Abstract- Today it’s a very serious issue of air pollution in our environment. Day by Day its increasing because of industries, vehicles and constructions sites. So, this IOT based Air Pollution Monitoring System works to monitor the current quality of air over a web server using the internet. Air Pollution effects mainly human lungs and by this they face many serious disease as well. The particle which is generated from these sectors are categorized in two types and first PM 2.5 which is generated from vehicle, bricks chimneys and industries and second one is PM 10 which is generated from construction sites, mines etc.
Keywords: Air Pollution, Internet of Things, Arduino Uno, MQ135 Sensor.