IOT Based Smart Agriculture System For Crop Monitoring And Management
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- Create Date 15 May 2024
- Last Updated 15 May 2024
IOT Based Smart Agriculture System For Crop Monitoring And Management
Prof. Santosh.R.Shekokar1, Ganesh N.Thosar2, Vaibhav P.Jain3, Vijay S.Bhole4, Harshal M.Phalak5, Sandip S.Kashikar6, Harshal S.Yeole7
1Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering
Padm. Dr. V.B. Kolte College Of Engineering, Malkapur, Maharashtra, India
2,3,4,5,6,7 Student of Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Padm. Dr. V.B. Kolte College Of Engineering, Malkapur, Maharashtra, India
Abstract - The aim of this project presents a Low Cost GSM Based Automated Irrigation System Using Arduino, Sensors and GSM Module. We use GSM Module so the Module sending the data to the Thing-speak server where it acts as front end to observe the sensor dynamic values and we can check the status of the water pump. It also acts as back end to store the data. The prototype is design in such a way that it will pump the water into the field as per our requirement depending on the weather conditions. The sensors used in the system are DHT11 Sensor (for sensing both humidity and temperature), Water Flow Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor.
Key Words: Temperature, Humidity, Soil Moisture Sensor, Relay, Water Pump motor, Internet of things, Sim 800gsm module, etc.