IOT Based Smart Bus Transportation
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- Create Date 5 May 2024
- Last Updated 5 May 2024
IOT Based Smart Bus Transportation
1st Mythreyi manjunath HK
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Malnad College of Engineering
Hassan, India
2nd Shobha Chandra K
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Malnad College of Engineering
Hassan, India
3rd Nidhi A Jain
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Malnad College of Engineering
Hassan, India
4th Priyanka SM
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Malnad College of Engineering
Hassan, India
5th Monika SL
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Malnad College of Engineering
Hassan, India
Abstract—The developed IoT-based smart bus health monitor- ing system is expected to bring back the neat service and safety of public transportation at the rate of modern technology that will keep the track of information regarding bus condition. ITS (Intelligent transport systems) are comprised of sensor technolo- gies and communication systems that connect on-board terminal, the vehicular systems, and ’fixed location systems. This modus operandi of ICT (f information and communication technologies ) also encompasses problems of rail, air, and water transport apart from road transport. IoT can be used to support the betterment of public transportation; hence, the transportation systems can become more receptive and more efficient. This entails the live tracking, amount analysis, and user friendly interfaces which helps the commuter to have trustworthy information along with a superior transportation experience.
Index Terms—Telemetry, Emergency alarm, mpu6050,GPS sen- sor , Accelerometer, RFID card, Load sensor.