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- Create Date 26 November 2023
- Last Updated 26 November 2023
Mr.Gawali S.M1, Mr.Lokare A.P.2, Mrs.Dharashive A.S.3
M.Tech ECE1, M.Tech ECE2, M.Tech ECE3
Vishweshwaryya Polytechnic Dilip Nagar Almala, Maharashtra, India
The objective of the project is to measure the level of water in the tank and notify the user about the water level through LCD display. This not only helps to keep the tank full but also making it more convenient for our day-to-day chores and also avoiding Water wastage.
Keywords: LCD Display, Ultrasonic Sensor, Arduino, Pump, Relay Switch, Microcontroller.
In relation with the current framework with so much work and too less time to spare, it is very difficult to keep in touch with the water level in the tanks. Water is essential in every hour of our lives. Hardly anyone keeps in track of the level of water in the overhead tanks.
In this project, the water is being measured by using ultrasonic sensors. Initially, the tank is considered to be empty. When the sound waves are transmitted in the environment, they are reflected back as ECHO.
The motor pump is automatically turned ON when the water level becomes low and turned OFF when the tank is full. Automatic water level monitoring system uses network of things i.e. this model uses its own local area network to maintain communication between the nodes Microcontrollers calculate and make decisions based on the program given by the developer.
In this model we are going to use an Arduino as a microcontroller. Arduino is a very minute part of embedded systems; in fact you can call it as an application product of embedded system. Arduino is
Just any other microcontroller board, with a specifically designed API and software which makes programming it very easy. Arduino is just a drop of water in Embedded System Ocean.