Journal Fuse Conflator – A Scalable and Secure Approach
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Journal Fuse Conflator - A Scalable and Secure Approach
1st Mr.Logaiyan Parthasarathy 1*,2nd N. Dhanalakshmi2 and 3rd S. Shahitya3,
1Associate Professor, Department of computer Applications, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College (Autonomous), Puducherry 605008, India
2Post Graduate student, Department of computer Applications, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College (Autonomous), Puducherry 605008, India
3Post Graduate student, Department of computer Applications, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College (Autonomous), Puducherry 605008, India
*Corresponding author’s email address:
The primary objective of the proposed Journal Fuse Conflator is to aggregate and summarize relevant articles based on user-specified keywords or key phrases. Leveraging sophisticated classification and ranking systems, the platform prioritizes news stories based on relevance, significance, and user preferences. It allows users to customize their experience by selecting topics, regions, or categories such as politics, technology, entertainment, or sport and delivers tailored content while filtering out irrelevant stories. By incorporating real-time updates, the system ensures users stay informed about breaking news and ongoing developments.A Journal Fuse Conflator offers a solution by centralizing information from reputable outlets, blogs, social media feeds, and official websites, providing users with a comprehensive and efficient platform for news consumption. This paper introduces the Journal Fuse Conflator, a novel system designed to enhance the way news is aggregated, summarized, and personalized.
Keywords: Journal Fuse Conflator, Aggregate, Summarize, Classification, Personalized, Real-time