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- Create Date 22 April 2023
- Last Updated 22 April 2023
1 Mrs. N. Amutha, 2 Gokul Prasath N
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Application Engineering, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering (Autonomous), Hosur, Tamil Nadu, India
2 Student, Department of Computer Application Engineering., Adhiyamaan College of Engineering (Autonomous), Hosur, Tamil Nadu, India
ABSTRACT: A Learning Management System (LMS) is a web-based application that enables organizations and educational institutions to manage and deliver online courses and programs. This system facilitates learning and training by providing a variety of tools such as video lectures, assignments, quizzes, and progress tracking. The LMS Php project aims to develop a web-based platform for managing and delivering online courses and programs. The system will be designed to provide an interactive and engaging learning experience for users.