Metamaterial-Inspired Electrically Compact Triangular Antennas Loaded with CSRR
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- Create Date 26 May 2024
- Last Updated 26 May 2024
Metamaterial-Inspired Electrically Compact Triangular Antennas Loaded with CSRR
Sivasankari Narasimhan1, Pooja A2, Paavai Shree K3
1Associate Professor, Department of ECE, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College
2UG student, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College
3UG student, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College
Abstract - In this paper, simulation of two distinct kinds of metamaterial (MTM) antennas are proposed for fifth generation (5G) indoor distributed antenna systems (IDAS). Both antennas operate in the sub-6 GHz 5G band, i.e., 3.5 GHz and to analyze various factors like gain, directivity, return loss, radiation intensity for the frequency of 3.5 GHz. The simulation of this metamaterial antenna is carried out in ANSYS HFSS v2021. Results like return loss, radiation pattern, 3D polar plot, side lobe level, beamwidth, radiated power, accepted power have been obtained using HFSS v2021. This research on metamaterial gives a great view on how it can be designed and used at 3.5GHz frequency has a measured gain/bandwidth characteristic of 100 MHz/2.6 dBi and 700 MHz/2.3 dBi, respectively. The main advantage of this antenna is it can be used as both transmitting and receiving antenna.
Key Words: Metamaterial, CSRR, return loss, triangular CSRR