Movie Sentiment Review Analysis
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- Create Date 13 April 2023
- Last Updated 13 April 2023
Movie Sentiment Review Analysis
Sanchit Bhoyar, Shivam Giradkar, Shreyas Burghate, Shubham Shende
G.H.Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur.
Abstract –
The technique of analyzing the views, mindsets, and reactions that the people had towards a particular movie has become known as movie sentiment review analysis. Multiple techniques, which include algorithms from machine learning and the processing of natural languages, can be used for the study. The aim of this investigation is to discover the overall opinion of the viewers regarding the movie and to identify specific components which attracted much of either positive or negative consideration. The film facilities, scholars, as well as fans may all profit with the outcomes of the movie sentiment review analysis through applying it to improve the production value of currently released pictures or decide pictures to watch through more understanding. Movie sentiment review analysis serves as a vital gadget for understanding how films impact people and for enhancing the experience for seeing a movie.