Movies and Books Recommendation System Based on Cosine similarity & K-Nearest Neighbour algorithm
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- Create Date 13 June 2024
- Last Updated 13 June 2024
Movies and Books Recommendation System Based on Cosine similarity & K-Nearest Neighbour algorithm
Mohammad Hassaan, Mohammed Usman, Aman Sultan, Prof. Rita Kadam
A Recommendation System is a filtering program whose primary goal is to predict the “rating” or “preference” of a user towards a domain-specific item. In our case, this domain-specific item are movies and books. Hence the main focus of our recommendation system is to provide a total of five movies and books recommendations to users who searched for a movie or book that they like. This paper focuses on how recommendation system works in real world. The goal of recommender system is to generate meaningful recommendations to a collection of users for items or products that might interest them. The recommendation system is one of the major technologies for implementing personalization services.