My Small Town Shop (EU)
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- Create Date 19 March 2024
- Last Updated 19 March 2024
My Small Town Shop (EU)
1st Aditiya Pawar Student, Department of Computer
Science And Engineering Parul Institute of Engineering and
Technology Vadodara, India
2nd Brijesh Vala
Professor, Department of Computer Science And Engineering and
Technology Vadodara, India
Abstract- My small town shop is an online platform developed in European version which offers services to small town businesses to sell their products like organic food items or artifacts on My Small Town Shop. In 2022, the EU’s total area of farmland under organic production grew to 16.9 million hectares. Compared to 2021, the number of organic producers in the EU increased by 10,8% to 419,112. On weekends in Eastern European country like Lithuania people from small towns often setup stalls in organic markets to sell their products. But it is difficult for them to travel during Winters as the snowfall and harsh weather condition makes it difficult for them to travel and sell their products to urban areas. To overcome this condition and a problem My small Town shop (EU) is developed. People from urban areas can scroll through popular organic products and shop them through the e- commerce platform. This also contributes to the factors of growing their business and increase their reach of the customers of local business.
Keywords— organic, harsh weather, business