International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management

An International Scholarly || Multidisciplinary || Open Access || Indexing in all major Database & Metadata
The journal follows the UGC Guidelines and is evaluated for inclusion in the Web of Science
ISSN: 2583-6129

Impact Factor: 7.839


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  • File Size 331.58 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date 28 April 2023
  • Last Updated 28 April 2023



Dr. Seema Sambargi, associate professor and HOD, Jain University-CMS, Bangalore. Dr. Manisha Tripathi, associate professor and HOD, Jain University-CMS, Bangalore.

Sanjeevini I H, Student, Bachelor’s in Business Administration, Jain-University-CMS, Bangalore. Damodar M R, Student, Bachelor’s in Business Administration, Jain-University-CMS, Bangalore. Sharanabasappa, Student, Bachelor’s in Business Administration, Jain-University-CMS, Bangalore.

Ronak Dak, Student, Bachelor’s in Business Administration, Jain-University-CMS, Bangalore. Tarun K Babu, Student, Bachelor’s in Business Administration, Jain-University-CMS, Bangalore.


Since individuals now use plastic to package materials, carry things in supermarkets, and even drink, the usage of plastic in all types of organizations has increased at an alarming rate (straw). Plastic is also extensively utilized in the manufacturing and packaging sectors, particularly for furniture, electrical housing, and other items. To maintain a safe pace of plastic usage, Nike itself must do its share to minimize the rate. The usage of plastic is tremendously unequal, with extremely high and wasteful levels in certain nations and vanishingly low ones in others. It is apparent that in order to reach a low total demand, people must begin to reduce their consumption levels. The corporate responsibility committee of Nike's board of directors and two members of Nike's management team will need to approve any sustainability goals that are proposed to them. The case, which is set in 2012, charts the development of Nike's strategy towards environmental and social issues from its beginnings in student protests against working conditions in the supply chain in the 1990s through the formation of a board-level corporate responsibility (CR) committee in 2001 and the creation of the Sustainable Business & Innovation (SB&I) strategy in 2009. In this regard, Eric Sprunk, VP of Merchandising & Product at Nike, and Hannah Jones, VP of SB&I, are putting the finishing touches on the organization's upcoming set of sustainability targets for the CR committee. Nike's goal-setting procedure becomes more difficult when the firm joins the Roadmap to Zero, a Greenpeace-inspired movement to stop the release of harmful chemicals into the water system. To address the zero toxics challenge, Jones and Sprunk must determine whether to suggest Nike scale back other sustainability targets, change its commitment to zero toxics, or come up with another alternative. Keywords: consumption, waste, industry, environment, and plastic.


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