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- Create Date 25 April 2023
- Last Updated 25 April 2023
Mr.P.K.Vinkare1, . Biradar Bhagvat 2, Ulgulwad Komal 3 , Akkawar Sakshi , Karlekar Dipa 5
1 Prof , Government Polytechnic , Nanded Maharashtra - 431602
2,3,4, 5 Students, Government Polytechnic , Nanded Maharashtra - 431602
Abstract - In this project, we make a portable 100 watt uninterruptable power supply (UPS) system.
It is proposed as a viable solution for low power applications. The power electronics device, which converts DC power to AC power at required output voltage, and frequency level is known as inverter. Here we can design UPS with online and offline. Using portable 12 V 14 Amp battery and IC4047 for proper frequency (PWM) maintaining. Using step up transformer boost AC current. Or DC battery to convert AC current called Inverters are used for many applications such as to run a laptop, TV or cell phone. This project focuses on design and develop portable of single-phase UPS with different mode like online , offline etc.
Design of UPS in such way that we can change its mode with single switch. Also its portable and lab purpose. Both AC output voltage and DC battery voltage can be measure by digital meters.
What is UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)? UPS is an abbreviation for Uninterruptible Power Supply and the reason for its name is that it provides a constant supply of power without any interruption. In Normal operation, it draws current from the AC mains and during a power outage; it draws current from its backup source. A UPS system utilizes a DC power stored in the battery as its backup source. The UPS charges the battery from the AC mains through a Rectifier and charge controller circuit. At the same time, it supplies power to the output AC load. In case of power failure, the UPS utilizes this charged DC power in the battery and converts it into AC using an inverter and supplies it to the AC load. Now the switch over between the sources (AC mains and the battery in case of power failure) is instantaneous. But it does take some time. This time delay during the switching may affect some sensitive electronic equipment while other devices may tolerate it in a specific range. This is where Online UPS and Offline UPS comes into play.
Keywords :- UPS , Controller, AC/DC load , PWM MOSFET .