ORPHANHUB: Orphanage Learn Earn and Donation Based Application
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- Create Date 11 May 2023
- Last Updated 11 May 2023
ORPHANHUB: Orphanage Learn Earn and Donation Based Application
Nirmala Halakurki, Sharan S Shetty, Sinchana B R, Sukanya N. Shet
Under the Guidance of Prof. Sahaya Shamini
Information Science and Engineering Department, AJ Institute of Engineering and Technology
Abstract— The literature indicates that orphans experience emotional and psychological distress following the death of their parents and etc. Which leads to their poverty, their exploitations in the home of their relatives, their relatives and their loss of education opportunities and many more. This system is basically undertaken for the benefits of the people who are in the orphans who are economically backward, intelligent and meritorious but cannot afford for their needy and financially hard depressed. To overcome this, we have created the system in which orphans can learn several activities by which they can overcome their loneliness or depression and by the same time they can also earn money through their own creative things. Our main motivation for choosing this topic as our project is that we've seen many orphanage kids, people depending on their orphanage for their daily earning which may not be provided always which may lead the people to take some bad decisions in their life.Here they can earn new skills as per their interest and after learning they can create something of their own and sell it in the same app in the market by which 2 needs will be fulfilled that is one way, they will learn new skills other way they will earn on their own. Furthermore, enhancement can be done by collaboration with different companies which sells handcrafts by which there will be a greater number of customers and the user’s requirement will be known by the PPL and to work on the skills required accordingly.