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- Create Date 2 May 2023
- Last Updated 2 May 2023
1Sowmya K S , 2Preksha S A, 3Nizamulla Khan, 4Nihal T N
1Assistant Professor, 2,3,4UG Scholar Department of Information Science and Engineering,
BMS College Of Engineering, Bangalore
Email: sowmyaks.ise@bmsce.ac.in , prekshasa.is19@bmsce.ac.in , nizamulla.is19@bmsce.ac.in , nihaltn.is19@bmsce.ac.in
Abstract: This project proposes an OTP-based locker operation system which provides secure access to lockers using one-time passwords (OTP). The system is designed to enhance the security of locker access by ensuring that only authorized personnel can access the lockers. It also eliminates the need for physical keys and provides a more efficient way of managing locker access. This project is expected to provide a secure, efficient, and cost-effective locker access system. The main aim of the project is to provide a system wherein a person can access the locker only with the help of a valid OTP and the locker stays open only for a specified time. The user will be given a unique OTP which will be used to open the locker. The system will include an authentication process to verify the user's OTP and then unlock the locker. The system will provide an efficient and secure way of locker operation. Once the user enters the wrong OTP for a specified number of times then the locker will be disabled for a certain period. Every movement of the system will be conveyed to the main user. This project could be used for the safe and efficient delivery purpose of any commodity whenever no one is physically available to collect the commodity.
Keywords: Arduino, One-time password (OTP), Security, Commodity delivery, Locker operation, Cost-effective, Usage records, Authentication