Performance Analysis of BER and SNR Performance in High-QAM Modulations Using Advancements in MIMO Systems
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- Create Date 24 May 2024
- Last Updated 24 May 2024
Performance Analysis of BER and SNR Performance in High-QAM Modulations Using Advancements in MIMO Systems
- S. Solanki1, Subhash Jagri2
Assistant Professor1, M.Tech (Research Scholars) 2
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 1, 2
Ujjain Engineer College, Ujjain (M.P.), India 1, 2 1, 2
Abstract: Wireless communications is one of the most active areas of technology development of our time. This development is being driven primarily by the transformation of what has been largely a medium for supporting voice telephony into a medium for supporting other services, such as the transmission of video, images, text, and data. Today, the widely deployed network type is based on a centralized approach that requires a network point of access, commonly called the Access Point (AP), to serves as a gateway between the mobile device and the Internet. The obtained results demonstrate that spatial diversity along with the power of STBC significantly improves the error performance in frequency selective wireless fading channels. The BER level is depend on the modulation type, SNR value and channel behavior. Modulation schemes that we have used in this paper are 4-QAM, 8-QAM, 16-QAM and 64-QAM which further improved using forward error correction codes (FEC). A comparison is made between the diversity gains of MIMO systems in terms of BER for high QAM modulation scheme. This work presents, a simulation toll MATLAB R2023a used for model implemented using Nakagami channel to study the performance analysis of Bit Error rate (BER) V/S Signal to Noise ratio (SNR).
Keywords: AWGN, BER, Fading Channel, MIMO System, Nakagami, OFDM, QAM Modulation, SNR, STBC etc.