Power Theft Detection in Transmission Line with Location
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- Create Date 28 April 2023
- Last Updated 28 April 2023
Mr.P.S.Linge, Sonkamble aditi, Wattatwad vaishnavi, Takale rutiksha, Yadav priyanka
Prof , Government Polytechnic , Nanded Maharashtra - 431602
Students, Government Polytechnic , Nanded Maharashtra - 431602
Abstract -
This paper focuses on a power theft detection with location The electrical power theft detection system is used to detect unauthorized tapping on distribution lines. Implementation of a neighborhood of this system might be a distribution network of the electrical power supply system. The existing system isn't ready to identify the precise location of tapping. the goal of this paper is to design one of these gadget with a purpose to try and reduce the illegal use of power and also lessen the probabilities of theft.
Keywords: Gsm,LCD , Arduino, Relay,Buzzer, CT,