Reducing Detergent from River Using Bio Augmentation
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- Create Date 25 March 2024
- Last Updated 25 March 2024
Reducing Detergent from River Using Bio Augmentation
Jayesh Pagar
Jayesh Pagar, Department of biotechnology, H.P.T Arts & R.Y.K Science College, Nashik.
Abstract: This project is based on reducing detergent from river which is been released in any form it may be from washing clothes, soaps, shampoos, etc. we cannot separate as it mixed in water. So, detergent degrading bacteria should be used. Bacterial species that can degrade detergent easily are pseudomonas, bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus, coliform bacteria i.e E.coli. Degrading efficiency depends on strain that is used which can be determined by measuring optical density or doing titration.
Keywords: Detergent, Optical density, bacterial degradation.