Seismic Analysis of High Rise Building with Transfer Floor
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- Create Date 27 May 2024
- Last Updated 27 May 2024
Seismic Analysis of High Rise Building with Transfer Floor
Pratik B. Murumkar 1 and Dr.Vinesh S. Thorat2
1 P.G. Student, Structural Engineering,G H Raisoni college of Engineering Pune
2 Associate Professor P.G. Student, Structural Engineering, G H Raisoni college of Engineering
Abstract- A transfer floor is the floor system which supports a vertical as well as lateral load resisting system and transfer its loading to different underneath system. Transfer floor distribute the load from closely spaced columns to the columns with long span. This study presented, a seismic analysis of high rise building with transfer floor. A number of proto type models of high rise building were analyzed using linear response spectrum analysis. The models were analyzed using structural software for building analysis ETABS 2016 software. The analyzed models has transfer slab system at different floor levels in high rise building. In this paper, five different models of 10 storey building had studied by providing a transfer slab at different floor levels such as first floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor and fifth floor of the building. And the vertical position of transfer slab with respect to building height was investigated. The seismic response of high rise building such as storey shear, storey moment, storey displacement, inter-storey were numerically evaluated.
Key Words: Transfer slab, Response spectrum analysis, Storey shear, Storey moment, ETABS 2016.