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- Create Date 13 April 2024
- Last Updated 13 April 2024
Ms.S.Thangamani M.Tech(IT),PhD
Assistant Professor
Information Technology
Nandha Engineering College
Ranjana V
Information Technology
Nandha Engineering College
Thilaga S
Information Technology
Nandha Engineering College
Umamakeswari R
Information Technology
Nandha Engineering College
Abstract— The project describes ultrasonic blind walking stick with the use of Arduino. According to World Health Organisation, 30 million peoples are permanently blind and 285 billion peoples with vision impairment. If u notice them, you can very well know about it they can’t walk without the help of other. One has to ask guidance to reach their destination. They have to face more struggles in their life daily life. Using this blind stick, a person can walk more confidently. This stick detects the object in front of the person and give response to the user by vibrating. So, the person can walk without any fear. This device will be best solution to overcome their difficulties. Generally, blind people use a traditional cane (known as white cane) for moving from one place to another. Activities like walking down the road, knowing and recognizing the presence of an obstacle in front of them, reading road signs etc. We represent a model of walking stick for blind people. This consists of GPS module, GPS Antenna, Arduino, ultrasonic sensor and buzzer. This stick can detect place and obstacles. The system employs a point-by-point approach to analyze the surrounding environment, providing real-time feedback to the user. Blind people consists of a large group of people in our society. Losing their eyesight has caused them inconvenience in performing daily tasks. Hence, smart cane had been developed in order to increase the life quality of a blind person. The purpose of this project is to design a smart cane with ultrasonic sensor and global system for mobile (GSM) for the blind. This embedded system mainly has mobility. For mobility system, it is equipped with ultrasonic sensor, HCSR04 and vibrating motor. Ultrasonic sensor will send the trigger pulse to detect obstacles. When an obstacle is detected, signals will be sent to vibrating motor and activate it. The vibrating motor will vibrate with different strengths according to the distance of the obstacle. The microcontroller used in this embedded system is Arduino UNO. The prototype of smart cane was built to increase the mobility of the blind people.
Keywords— Signal processing, Internet of things, Ultrasonic sensor, visual impaired people