Smart Water Purifier and Quality Monitoring Using IOT
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- Create Date 18 June 2024
- Last Updated 18 June 2024
Smart Water Purifier and Quality Monitoring Using IOT
Dr.Geenu Paul
HOD Bachelor of Technology
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
St.Thomas Institute for Science and Technology,Trivandrum
Dr.Tony Alwin
Lecturer-Bachelor of Technology Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering St.Thomas Institute for Science and Technology,Trivandrum
Hima A S, Joel Saju, Meera Rajesh, Siddarth H Lal
Student-Bachelor of Technology Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
St.Thomas Institute for Science and Technology,Trivandrum
Abstract -
Water is vital resource for life. Drinking safe water is important aspect for a healthy life. In modern world water pollution is one of the major cause for various types of water-borne diseases, 40% of the deaths worldwide are caused by water pollution. The clean and safe drinking water is getting depleted every second hence water purification is todays need. World bank estimates that 21% of communicable diseases in India are related to unsafe water, contamination has been a long standing problem in our country. The older methods are unable to monitor the water quality in real time and notify the user about the contamination. So, it is necessary to develop a real time water quality monitoring and notification system. Smart solutions for water quality monitoring are gaining importance with advancement in communication technology. Water quality depends on pH, turbidity, temperature along with some other factors are significant, and will be monitored by the system using sensors, through wifi system the sensor output data is sent to concern authority for further steps to improve water quality. The proposed system is portable, automatic water quality monitoring and notification system saves time and human resources. The notification will be sent to authorized person when sensors will detect bad water quality. It is low cost system for real time water quality monitoring.
Keywords : IOT, pH sensor, Turbidity sensor, Temperature sensor, UV sensor